Jul 28, 2011

wrapping my senses around energy

I seek to understand the force of energy that surrounds us all..

Does it exist.. there is no doubt in my mind.. on any given day we are surrounded by brilliant moments of recollection, of people who walk into our open doorways.. who we thought of briefly before that illuminated moment

Thoughts, words, actions, enter our sight, our smell, our hands..

bringing forth memories and sensations that are inconceivable.. I knew you before you walked into my heart.

I can barely breath when I think of you

I can only shut my eyes and see deep set eyes filled with wisdom about every part of me'


I have been blessed
I have been discovered
I have been revealed in splendor
I am infatuated with the wonder of it all
I am blessed with so much
wonderous shining intimate rays
.... dare words express
blessed creature
..... you are

Jul 14, 2011

Coffee House zen

When presented with the opportunity.. life works in wonderous ways. Energy that flows through a place of healing is a unique energy that stimulates, hugs, provides warmth, brings about good talk and laughter.... need I say more.

Little towns have so much to share, so much to give, so much to talk about...

belief in dreams


The stories that flow from one to another ...amazing stories of triumph, healing, crashed dreams and hopes restored.

Each person is so worthy that walks through the door of this healing place, this healing place of love.

May all little towns be blessed with a place of healing for all that seek shelter.