Oct 22, 2018


Humility Series

“Born of Great need in a World of Consumption”
This series is created on humble surface matter. They are meant for people who connect to humility and the need for quiet thoughtful perspective.
Each piece was born from a journal entry and then recreated on simple brown Kraft paper.
I have sealed the paper with a polyurethane but like all good things in life it will eventually break down and return to the earth of which it came.

“Truth be known, Nothing in Life could ever be possessed Indefinitely”

“It was all about Surface, Tension and Tools of the Trade Dancing upon Varying Surface Matter It was about Response”

Click on each image
to view the detail. 


Unknown said...

Oh Annie, so telling and inspirational. Your life - your love - your passion.
Thanks for sharing

Annie said...

Thank you Kathy! Much love and wishes to you this season.